There are three different menus for the user to select from, all of which appear on the top of the page. These are:
· The energy sources: solar, onshore wind (on land) and offshore wind (the North Sea). Each source can be either individually selected (by clicking on the corresponding icon) or several of them combined. Whenever offshore wind is chosen, its production is represented by an icon on the left of the map labelled as ‘offshore wind at the North Sea'.
· The day or year. At the middle of the top page, three options appear to be clicked on: yesterday, today and tomorrow. Click on one of the options and the live information (map, bullet chart and time plot) and indicators change accordingly depending on the selected date. In addition, if clicking on ‘day', a calendar appears that allows choosing any date from the last 30 days. If clicking on ‘year', a calendar appears that allows choosing any year since 2015.
If either the current day, the day after or a date in the last 30 days is chosen, the bar just below the map will show evolution for each hour of the day. The live information then changes depending on the hour and the indicators on the bottom part of the page refer to the day.
If a specific year (from 2015) is chosen, the bar just below the map changes to display months. The live information then changes depending on the month of the year and the indicators on the bottom part of the page refer to the chosen year.
· The production mode that will be displayed on the map, bullet and time plot depending on the chosen option. These can be:
o Total production
o Production per km2 which is a measure often used for wind energy
o Production per inhabitant